Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Visca Catalunya Lliure!

I had to reproduce this written by Shawn Stocker:
Though often known as an epicenter of European leftism, Barcelona itself is filled with a fiercely secessionist history and an anarchy-tinged past. See: Orwell’s “Homage to Catalonia.” Even today one can sense the precipice upon which authority hangs, everywhere one can sense the minimal lack of respect for the State and its thugs; and there is often a whiff of administrative collapse, of anarchy, of freedom, in the air. (And I forgive the misguided syndicalist/socialist economics amongst the Catalan anarchists, the majority are truly nothing more than miseducated lovers of liberty)
Repressed by centralist Madrid since 1714, this formerly independent nation longs to reclaim its self-determination.
Yesterday the Spanish supreme court severely curtailed the Catalan Autonomy Statute, passed by referendum in 2006. Among other items, the statute defined Catalonia as a nation and recognized Catalan as the preferential public language.
I must say the whole city is outraged. And I don’t want to think what the provincials are saying (they’re even more anti-Spain than the leftist, Barcelona city slickers). Massive manifestations are being organized, a re-vote of the curtailed Statute called for, and outright votes for independence being pushed (over 300 municipalities have already held non-binding independence referendums in the past year, with the pro-secession vote averaging upwards of 90%).
Let’s see what happens. I, for one, am excited to see a popular uprising against the ever intruding central state.
Catalunya is unique in its history of being conquered and oppressed, its people and their fierce independent nature, and its economy as the major source of funds for the modern Spanish State’s socialist system. All of this forms an ideal hotbed of secessionist action.
While I do fear the influence of the insidious left upon all of these events, it is my opinion that any disintegration of the State is a positive and that any erosion of central power is a step ahead for human liberty. And, frankly, the vast majority of Catalans outside of Barcelona are still quite traditional and individualist, so these Barcelona “pijoprogres (progressive snobs)” aren’t too threatening.
Visca Catalunya Lliure!
The photo, by the way, is of some anarchist graffiti. Of course, I oppose the vandalization of private property, but this is a “municipally” owned news kiosk. Translation: “Prison is the State’s terror against those who combat its miseries.”
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Secession Week?
Let A Thousand Nations Bloom blog is holding a Secession Week in honor of the 4th of July, when our country seceded from Great Britain.
Here is the introduction to the blog’s Secession Week:
As you might have guessed from the name of this blog, we want to see more nations. There are serious benefits to having more and smaller states: the efficiency coming from jurisdictional competition, the robustness coming from decentralization, and the satisfaction coming from choice are all, frankly, awesome.
But, anyone who talks about secession has surely gone off the deep end and must be a crazy redneck racist.
McDonald Decision Affirms Incorporation Doctrine – Gun Ownership is a Blessing Bestowed to Us by the Federal Government
Interesting blow against states’ rights. I don’t see the excitement over this decision. Laurence Vance basically sums it up:
The McDonald gun decision handed down yesterday by the Supreme Court, discussed by J.H. Huebert here and here, apparently won’t change any of NYC’s gun restrictions. The problem, of course, aside from the Court affirming the bogus incorporation doctrine, is the exceptions to the second amendment in this and the Heller decision.
Jackie Hilly, the Executive Director of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence (a gun-control group), is pleased with the decision. Says Hilly:
All the other amendments have reasonable restrictions on them. So I actually really like the Heller decision and the McDonald decision because they put the Second Amendment in the context of all the other amendments…people from the gun lobby like to promote the idea that you have an absolute or god-given right to possess a gun. That’s clearly not true; your right can be restricted.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Good Ole Judge Napolitano
Judge Andrew Napolitano and Shepard Smith Discuss the oil spill and…the Federal Government.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
From Each According to His Ability to Each According to His Need
From Pilgrims to Present Day
This article “Victims of Social Leveling” by Leonard E. Read outlines the three general categories of people in a system of social leveling and the consequences.
1. Those with ability
2. Those with need
3. The “do good-ers” or levelers
Friday, June 4, 2010
Jackson Councilman Kenneth Stokes Likes Vacations – Nobody in Jackson Surprised
A recent article in the Clarion Ledger says his travel expenses are coming under scrutiny. Apparently when he travels, he doesn’t stay with other council members, he doesn’t attend meetings with the other council members, and the other council members don’t see him at those meetings. Hmmmm.
He was sent to Chicago last August and can’t even remember why. Here’s Marshall Ramsey’s cartoon.